
FAQs Answered About Wi-Fi Boosters

FAQs Answered About Wi-Fi Boosters

Our daily lives are very dependent on the internet and smart devices, therefore, getting reliable and fast Wi-Fi around the entire house is extremely important at the same time it can also be a challenge. You might be facing a dead zone in a bedroom upstairs or in...

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Is Your Internet Fast Enough for Streaming?

Is Your Internet Fast Enough for Streaming?

People around the world suddenly found a new hobby during COvid-19 restrictions - streaming content. Streaming trends indicate that the technology has been reaching new heights, the streaming statistics indicate that video streaming will make up 82% of Internet...

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What is Fibre Internet and How is it Different?

What is Fibre Internet and How is it Different?

Fiber-optic internet is an internet connection that has a low lag time and can reach speeds of up to 940 megabits per second (mbps), with a low lag time. It is a data connection carried by a cable filled with thin glass or plastic fibers wherein the data travels...

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How to Educate Your Kids On Internet Safety

How to Educate Your Kids On Internet Safety

We all know and have realized that kids in today’s modern times are surrounded by technology. And since the pandemic, digital education has made usage of the internet inevitable for students. Hence educating your kids/students on how to be safe while exploring the...

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