Your bank account will certainly take a hammering as your moving day approaches and unfortunately, you can’t avoid it. Saving might seem impossible at this time but moving home doesn’t have to be as expensive as you might think. In fact, moving provides a fresh start. It is the perfect moment to take a step back and save money. Here are 6 tips on how to save when moving.
Compare service and companies
Whether you decide to use the services of a moving company or rent a moving truck for your upcoming move, comparing the rates of the companies on the market is a must. Getting multiple quotes for free is a great practice. You’ll be able to save money by choosing the best option for you while making an informed decision. You should get at least three quotes when thinking of hiring a professional moving company.
Same goes for moving trucks. If you have energy and time, you can move by yourself renting a moving truck. It is a cost-efficient way to move. We still recommend that you check all the truck rental companies available in your area to get the best price.
When you’re moving there is a lot to think about, which can be quite stressful. When feeling under pressure, it’s really easy to accept the first offer you find. Always remember though, a few minutes of careful research can certainly make you less stressed financially when you find those good deals. Ask around as much as possible and seek the advice of professionals. The chances are, they will have some recommendations on the best service provider for you. In fact, MovingWaldo recommends Coextro as one of the best Mississauga Internet Providers in 2021.
Get an advantageous cash back credit card
Why not try to get cash back on those inevitable moving expenses? There are many credit cards on the market that offer a great cashback percentage and great welcome offers. Some can go up to 10% on expenses that occur in the first few months. If you plan on hiring professional movers, it might be a good ideal to leverage credit card welcome offers and get cash back on this big spend. High cash back credit cards offer different reward systems. You could get high cash back on certain types of purchases or even fixed rates of rebates. When looking for the best credit card to use with your moving expenses, be sure to get one with the most cash back return on buying categories that are move-related. Renovation and hardware supplies are good categories to look into.
Get new customer advantages
The great thing about moving is that you can max out offers open to new customers. Whether it’s moving to a better internet provider, buying furniture, or home appliances there are plenty of deals and discounts to be had. A simple lookup on the Internet will bring up all sorts of deals for you to take advantage of for your new home.
Review your monthly bills
Moving is a great blank canvas for services and utilities. When you’ve lived in a place for a while, it’s really easy to slip into letting deals run their course and not renewing them for cheaper and better ones. Consider all aspects of your home life – gas, electric, water supplies as well as home insurance plans and even life-insurance plans.
For utility bills, it’s a good idea to do research prior to moving in order not to be shocked by your first bill in your new home. Sometimes, it is possible to know how much electricity will cost at your new place. People move home for different reasons but many move into a new place to gain more space. Obviously, the more space you have, the more money it will cost to heat it in winter (or cool it in summer). And don’t forget about the good internet connection you want to have throughout your home as well, but for that there are ways to improve your Wi-Fi Signal.
Cancel any services you are not using
When you’re sorting out your move and looking at services, take time to review everything and determine what you really need. Do you really need 5 subscriptions to streaming services? You could even look at services that aren’t dependent on your address while you’re at it. Consider how many different subscriptions you have and if they’re worth what you’re spending. Whether it’s magazine delivery, music subscriptions, or gym contracts. If you decide that you miss them further down the line, you can always reinstate them.
Get ready for your move
Did you know? You can get ready for your move using digital moving concierge services, like MovingWaldo and save money. Through this moving service, you can buy moving supplies, book movers and find storage units near you. It’s not all, update your address on all your accounts and connect the Internet, TV and phone at your new place. MovingWaldo offers all kinds of resources and checklists to help you organize your move and save money.
Moving doesn’t have to empty your wallet. When you move house, you have the perfect opportunity to assess everything. Firstly, consider the costs of the move itself and where you could make savings! If you don’t ask, you won’t get!

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