
Rise in Demand of Unlimited High Speed Internet

Rise in Demand of Unlimited High Speed Internet

With numerous employees logging into work from home mode since the 2020 pandemic, telecom players and internet service providers have been witnessing a major spike in demand for unlimited high speed internet for usage at home. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a...

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Creating a Strong Password

Creating a Strong Password

The key to your online security is to have strong passwords for each site but it may be challenging to create distinct passwords that you can actually remember. Some may fall into the habit of using the same login credentials for multiple accounts which is not...

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How to Save Money When Moving

How to Save Money When Moving

Your bank account will certainly take a hammering as your moving day approaches and unfortunately, you can't avoid it. Saving might seem impossible at this time but moving home doesn't have to be as expensive as you might think. In fact, moving provides a fresh start....

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Tips on Cleaning Your Computer

Tips on Cleaning Your Computer

Cleaning your computer's software and hardware is important as it can help extend your computer’s lifespan, which can save time and money. Here are some tips on how to keep your computer clean and up to date! Wipe down your computer. When your computer is powered off,...

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Teaching Kids About Online Privacy

Teaching Kids About Online Privacy

In the midst of this global pandemic, children and teens are using the internet at increasing rates. From a source of entertainment, to communicating with teachers and online schooling. It is important that we teach young people how to protect their privacy online as...

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