This technology uses fiber-optic cable, which can send data at approximately 70% of the speed of light. It resists electrical interference effectively and is much faster than cable and dial-up, and can carry large amounts of data in a single line, as it uses fiber-optic cables instead of copper wires.
How Does Fibre Internet Work?
Let us first understand the working of a cable internet- it sends its signals through metal wires, this metal heats up, weakening the signal and picking up interference. Hence cable and DSL internet are so much slower and inept than fibre.
Now, here’s how fiber internet exactly works:
It works by splitting files (for example games and movies) into data packets of zeroes and ones, where a laser flashes this code-type signal into one end of a plastic or glass filament. A special sheath (cladding) keeps the beam of light inside the filament which travels through it for as far as 60 miles and moves out from the other end where a modem decodes the light into a form that your computer can use.
Difference Between Fibre Internet, DSL and Cable Internet
Fiber connections don’t get as distorted over long distances like copper-wire connections do and this is because of the types of cables used.
Both DSL and cable internet rely on copper wires to transmit data, that is the same kind of wires that transmit your voice over a telephone line.
DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
This internet uses telephone lines to transmit data, however unlike the dial-up, DSL uses inaudible frequencies, so it doesn’t compete with your voice phone service. Average speeds for DSL internet are between 1 and 100 mbps for downloading and around 20 mbps for uploading.
Cable Internet
Cable internet uses coaxial cable, that is the same type of line as the cable TV service. Speeds for cable internet can vary, up to 940 mbps for downloading and up to 50 mbps for uploading.
3 Types of Fibre Internet
There are three types of fiber internet and each one has different features and purpose; the speed delivered by each depends heavily on how far the fibers are from your modem.
‘Fibre to the home or premises’ is the fiber internet connection that goes straight into your home, and is the fastest, most reliable fiber optic connection because the fibers come straight to your door.
‘Fibre to the curb’ is the one where the fiber connection goes to the nearest pole or utility box. Then the coaxial cables send signals from this curb to your home, thus making your connection a combination of fiber-optic cables and copper wires.
‘Fibre to the node or neighborhood’ provides connection to several customers or users within a one-mile radius of the node. The remaining connection from the node to your home is often a DSL line that uses existing telephone or cable lines, hence the farther you live from the node, the longer the DSL line needs to reach your house. And the longer the line, the more distortion you get, causing slower internet.
Advantages of Fibre Internet
Fiber internet is much faster and more reliable than cable internet or DSL. But it has other advantages too, listed below are a few other advantages of fiber optic internet that surpasses standard cable:
● Speed
Fiber optic internet speed is 1 Gbps, which is way faster than the cable internet. Furthermore, cable internet has different speeds for download and upload (with upload speed being considerably slower). Essentially, most of us do a lot more downloading than uploading, so usually, internet providers give most of their bandwidth to downloads.
With fiber optic internet speed, internet providers can give equal bandwidth for both uploads and downloads, thus making it easier and faster to share files and work from home in this new digitized working system, with fiber optic internet connection.
● Reliability
Fiber internet is a great choice for households where multiple users want to use the internet at the same time for various purposes such as stream video, play online games, back up data, or send and receive large files (even over long distances). Peak traffic can overload wires, but your cable connection should be fast enough to stream video without interruption. And hence fiber optics is a reliable source of internet that can handle this overload for multiple users and more data at consistently higher speeds.
● Good Quality TV
HD TVs pack four times more pixels into the same screen space, which makes for much crisper pictures, but also takes in a lot more bandwidth from your internet connection. With speeds of 100 mbps or less, cable internet may find it difficult to deliver 4K internet streaming, however, a fiber optic connection running at even 500 mbps would easily stream high-quality 4K TV and movies.
● Great for Gaming Connection
Fiber optic internet speed is the most suitable connection for gaming. It’s surprising to know that as compared to high-quality video streaming, gaming takes a small fraction of the data at less than 1 mbps. The need here is for consistency. A tiny hiccup at the wrong moment can disturb your game of choice. The fiber optic internet provides smooth and constant flow of data throughout the gaming session.
● Connection for Multiple Devices
Fibre internet is a great choice for households that require connectivity across multiple devices and internet-connected systems, like home security, thermostats, refrigerators and other appliances. We now have multiple devices at our homes, like laptops, tablets, phones, smart speakers, and other advanced devices. Clearly, our usage of the internet has increased and so has our need for reliable and fast data transmission too. The steady signal of fiber internet with less signal loss and 10 times more bandwidth can connect with multiple devices together.
Who is it Best for?
Well, fiber internet is such an invention that benefits everyone, and it can even come at an affordable price. Fiber internet uses a newer technology, and hence is more reliable and faster.
One other thing fiber internet offers that cable and DSL don’t, is the symmetrical download and upload speeds. This means your upload speed is the same as your download speed. Faster upload speeds are a huge boon in this digital age to anyone who deals with large files and everyone of us who interacts a lot on video calls.
How to Get Fibre Internet?
Coextro has got you covered! We’re fibre optic based internet providers based in Ontario, Canada, offering unlimited high speed fibre internet with many affordable plans that can suit your requirements.
Here’s why Coextro is the one of the most preferred fibre internet providers in Ontario:
- We offer great value for money- various affordable internet plans.
- Having our own technicians- quick, easy and hassle-free in-home installations for fibre services.
- Highest quality internet service- focusing on customer needs and satisfaction.
Can’t wait to get your hands on fiber optic internet service for your needs? Reach us to get the best fibre optic internet service.

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